Benefits of Zend Framework in project building
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The arsenal of php developer includes a huge number of frameworks that offer various solutions and focus on their advantages holding advertising campaigns. However, one of the most popular frameworks among IT developers is Zend Framework. What features in this framework really attract php developers? This question will be discussed in today's article.
It’s quite difficult to identify a definite advantage in the framework that can put it on the leading positions. Application development process requires an integrated approach from the programmer and its success depends on a combination of many factors that influence the final result. The greater number of these issues can be solved by a framework, the more popular it will become among the community of programmers. That is why it is important to see the crucial aspects altogether to get an opinion about the framework.
Zend Framework is a framework from the creators of the php language, and this fact already guarantees a project's success. Primarily it is a library of classes. A big number of classes can easily implement any standard task that needs programmer’s solution. This library makes it possible to reduce the time for development of standard projects and modules significantly, as well as it is rather useful in construction of new solutions. Previously existing codes can be used as a base for a new development, due to the fact that ZF make it rather convenient to edit and correct them. Thus, taking pre-existing and well-established codes as a basis, the developer reduces time required for creation of a new application.
Developers unanimously refer its architecture scilicet MVC (model-view-controller) to the benefits of Zend Framework. The data model, user interface and application logic are separated one from another, that’s why the components undergo minor changes if one of them is being changed. This is very useful not only when working on the project, but also in its future operation. An example of this benefit are frequently changing requirements to the application interface, suggesting its compliance with current trends in design. By updating the user interface design the project remains on the crest of a wave of popularity, but at the same time, this does not require a complete overhaul of application structure.
Surveys of developers on the question of benefits of Zend Framework show that there are other important issues such as the preservation of php simplicity, the ability to test the code and the use of the best methods of the OOP. In addition, majority of developer see a plus of ZF in its clear structure and user-friendly license. While acknowledging the benefits of Zend Framework, many IT teams create not only design solutions, but also develop products, Content Management Systems etc. on its basis.
Summarizing the above, it should be noted that ZF provides its users with a ready conceived application architecture, as well as with many ready-made solutions, thus reducing the time frame of new developments.
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