Our company offers services for remote administration of servers
Posted by: Admin

Our company offers services for remote administration of servers. We setup the servers:
• physical;
• virtual;
• allocated.
We also provide a service for IT outsourcing. This means the transfer of some of the management and administration functions to our company. Most often we are delegated of authority to ensure quick and smooth operation of a variety of IT services and their separate systems.
Our employees have wide experience regarding the installation, configuration and maintenance of the server software. This includes working with php, apache, mysql, nginx, and more. We provide good results in the shortest possible time. In the end, you will receive:
• the stability of the server software;
• installation, configuration of other components of the software;
• periodic updates installation;
• quick help in case of emergency.
You also can order a single service, which will include:
• installation, configuration of operating system and software;
• ensuring security;
• optimization of the server, the site;
• construction of virtualization and fault-tolerant systems, and more.
The advantages of remote server service
Using remote IT services outsourcing you will save you time and money. Why? Because even the best IT professionals who works only in one enterprise can not have the necessary knowledge and experience. In fact every day he faces alike problems. In addition, it is more profitable to pay once for the amount of work performed than give monthly pay to employee.
Our experts deal with different companies all over the world and have already solved more than a dozen of unusual problems. That, of course, is constantly improving their skills. This makes it easier to cope with the decision of the assigned tasks. It is also important that we have a base of tools and programs that we have already installed, configured and made ready at any time to solve your problem.
Administration of servers includes:
• installation and configuration of server software;
• server Unix administration;
• the security configuration;
• monitoring of servers;
• backup configuration;
• monitoring of server load;
• install updates;
• change of individual settings of the software;
• administration, installation, configuration of databases (Oracle, MySQL, MSSQL);
• installation, configuration of web servers Ngnix, Apache;
• optimization of web servers for loaded projects;
• creation of scripts to automate server administration.
Remote administration of Windows servers
We offer installation, configuration and administration of Windows servers.
IT Outsourcing of Windows servers includes:
• installation, configuration of Windows server;
• installation, configuration, administration of the terminal;
• installation of a mail server (MS Exchange);
• work with Microsoft ISA Server;
• installation, configuration and administration of the domain controller Active Directory, DHCP, DNS;
• installation, configuration of database servers MS SQL;
• installation of a file server;
• installation of web server IIS;
• installation of the server for backup;
• server Hyper-V virtualization Hyper-V;
• other specific tasks (at your request).
In addition, a continuous monitoring of servers is carried out. The system administrator is notified about:
• accessibility of the site, server, and ports;
• load on the server;
• disk space;
• work with the swap file.
In addition, we offer:
• IT consultations;
• IT consulting;
• optimization of sites and servers.
This will allow you to plan and optimize the cost of IT tasks, to improve performance and simplify management of the enterprise. All of the above work on IT outsourcing servers are the most popular and requested. However, you can contact us with your individual tasks. The rich experience of our IT specialists helped us to perform a variety of atypical work.