Posted by: Admin
The survey involved 1,464 experts, many of whom hold an active position in the development of the Internet as a web builders, researchers, developers, analysts, managers, marketers and politicians. Research Center learned thousands of opinions with a view to imagine: what would be the Internet in 2025, what new technologies and applications will appear, how people's live will change in a decade?
News & current affairs
Posted by: Admin
We were surprised with a clear vision of the Internet processes given by Steve Jobs in his interview in 1995. In his opinion, primarily, the computer was device for computation. However, he said that PC would become a device for communication in future.
Posted by: Admin
Our company offers services for remote administration of servers. We also provide a service for IT outsourcing. This means the transfer of some of the management and administration functions to our company. Most often we are delegated of authority to ensure quick and smooth operation of a variety of IT services and their separate systems.